

Obstetrics is the medicine and surgery specialty that focuses on pregnancy and childbirth. OB-GYNs are medical doctors that have completed an additional residency training in pre-pregnancy health, pregnancy, labor and delivery, post-partum care, pregnancy and childbirth-related health issues, genetics and genetic counseling, and infertility testing and treatment.

Dr. Alqulali is also a trained expert in the female reproductive system, and not only takes care of you throughout your pregnancy, but also provides you with access to annual well-woman exams, Pap smears, and other care related to your gynecological health.

Not only does Dr. Alquali provides patients with high-quality, comprehensive obstetrics care, she is also available to answer all questions regarding your pregnancy and delivery. She can also advise you about diet, exercise, and necessary information to have a healthy pregnancy, and how to manage pregnancy symptoms and side effects.

For patient convenience, Infinity Medical Group also does all pregnancy-related routine diagnostic and genetic testing in-house to eliminate the need for extra appointments with outside providers. We also do 3D and 4D ultrasound imaging.

Infinity offers routine obstetric care and high-risk obstetric care for patients with complications due to pregnancy, existing health conditions, and individuals having multiples.

Routine Obstetrical Care

We offer comprehensive obstetrical care to our patients, providing guidance and care at each step of her pregnancy. Our routine obstetrical care also tracks fetal growth and development and cares for patients during and after delivery.

Throughout your pregnancy, you will be seen on a regular basis for measurements, examinations, and tests to monitor your health and your baby’s growth and development. Our office is equipped with the advanced equipment and technology to perform diagnostics, testing, and ultrasonic imaging in-house, to make your appointments convenient and efficient.

As part of your care, we will discuss your delivery options concerning your preferences, and to maximize your comfort during labor. After your delivery, Infinity Medical Group will be there to care for your during the post-partum period, too. Our post-partum services include exams, birth control counseling, and emotional support.

Dr. Alqulali advises that patients who are looking to become pregnant schedule a preconception appointment to discuss how to have a healthy pregnancy and identify any medical issues that could affect the pregnancy. Pregnant patients are encouraged to schedule an appointment as soon as they know they are pregnant to be seen and learn information vital in the early pregnancy period, such as prenatal vitamin information, suggestions for a healthy diet, and the medications approved for pregnancy.

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High-Risk Obstetrical Care

Infinity Medical Group cares for high-risk pregnancies to protect the health of both mother and child, and ensure a healthy and uneventful pregnancy.

Women with pre-existing medical conditions, multiple births, or abnormal pregnancies have an increased risk of pregnancy complications. Women over the age of 35 years old may also be classified as high-risk patients during their pregnancy.

Health conditions that may lead to pregnancy or delivery complications include diabetes, chronic high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, thyroid conditions, and fibroid tumors. Patients with these pre-existing conditions should communicate their complete health history to their physician as soon as possible to receive care and treatment designed with these health risks in mind.

Other conditions that increase the risk of developing pregnancy complications include gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, premature birth, and recurrent miscarriages. For these conditions, we monitor the patient frequently and use special techniques to protect the patient and baby during delivery.

Patients with previous Caesarian section surgeries may also fit the high-risk pregnancy profile and could require additional monitoring.

High-risk obstetrics patients may also require additional testing and extra ultrasound imaging throughout their pregnancy. The Infinity Medical Group provides these services in-house to patients for their convenience.

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3D and 4D Ultrasounds

High-quality ultrasound imaging requires high-quality equipment. To provide patients with the best images of their baby, Infinity Medical Group has invested in the most advanced ultrasound machine capable of performing 3D and 4D fetal ultrasounds.

During the ultrasound procedure, we will place a gel on your lower abdomen and move a transducer wand across your abdomen to produce the ultrasound image. The procedure typically takes 10-20 minutes and may require a full bladder.

Ultrasounds are not only for giving you a glimpse of your baby, but they are used to determine your baby’s due date and ensure growth and development are on track. An ultrasound is also performed at 20 weeks of gestation to provide a detailed evaluation of the baby’s anatomy and growth, as well as the gender of your baby.

Women with high-risk pregnancies and are an advanced maternal age may require more ultrasounds.

3D ultrasounds can be performed any time during your pregnancy, but to maximize the image and allow mothers to see more features of their child, the optimal time for this advanced scan is between 26 and 32 weeks. 4D ultrasounds are best performed between 27 and 32 weeks of gestation.

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Infertility can be a frustrating and emotional process for many couples. Dr. Alqulali and Infinity Medical Group understand exactly how emotional infertility can be and this understanding allows them the ability to provide compassionate care and effective treatment to help you conceive.

The definition of infertility is the inability to conceive after a 12-month period of unprotected sexual intercourse for women under the age of 35, and an inability to conceive after a 6-month period of unprotected sexual intercourse for women over the age of 35.

Our infertility services include patient consultation to understand health history and testing both partners to determine the underlying cause of infertility. Testing for men usually involves a semen analysis. Testing for women includes a reproductive organ examination, ultrasound, and laboratory testing. For 85 to 90 percent of couples struggling with infertility, testing reveals the underlying cause of the condition. Once diagnosed, we will develop a personalized treatment plan to treat the cause or causes of the condition.

For some patients struggling to conceive, a solution to their infertility may be as simple as understanding when their body is ovulating. Other patients may need ovulation-inducing medications or intrauterine insemination to help conceive.

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  • What kind of support can I expect during my pregnancy at Infinity Medical Group?

    Expect comprehensive support throughout your pregnancy at Infinity Medical Group. We offer everything from routine obstetric care to managing high-risk pregnancies. Our team is here to provide you with detailed guidance, in-house diagnostic and genetic testing, and personalized care to ensure a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

  • Does Infinity Medical Group provide prenatal and post-partum care?

    Absolutely. Our prenatal care includes regular monitoring of your baby’s growth and your health, while our post-partum care focuses on your recovery and well-being after childbirth. We are dedicated to supporting you every step of the way.

  • How does your clinic handle preconception counseling?

    Our preconception counseling is designed to prepare you for a healthy pregnancy. We discuss vital aspects such as prenatal vitamins, healthy diet, and safe medications during pregnancy, ensuring you are well-informed and ready for this exciting journey.

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Patient Resources

Infinity Medical Group, we believe that every woman deserves the best possible care and support throughout her pregnancy journey. Our dedicated team of obstetric specialists is here to provide personalized guidance and answer all your questions. By booking a call with us, you’ll gain access to in-depth resources tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you feel confident and well-prepared every step of the way. Don’t wait – take the first step towards a healthy and informed pregnancy by scheduling your call today. We’re here for you!

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