

Gynecology is the medical specialty that deals with the health female reproductive health system.

In addition to providing obstetric care, Dr. Alqulali is an OB-GYN who takes care of both her patients’ gynecological health care needs at every stage of life, from adolescent gynecology to menopause.

Gynecological care offered at Infinity Medical Group is comprehensive and includes administering and evaluating of Pap smears for early detection of cervical cancer, HPV, and other health conditions, treatment of menstrual disorders, and treatment of uterine fibroids and cysts. We treat many other women’s health conditions in our practice, giving patients a high level of care with compassion and caring in mind

Pelvic Pain

Some women suffer from chronic pelvic pain. Chronic pelvic pain is defined as pain below the belly button that lasts longer than six months. Pelvic pain can be mild or severe, dull or sharp, intermittent or constant. Most women experience pelvic pain in some form about their menstrual cycle. However, there are women who suffer from severe and debilitating pelvic pain that interferes with their daily lives.

Determine the Cause of Pelvic Pain

To determine the cause of pelvic pain and to be able to effectively treat it, patients with pelvic pain will need to undergo a full exam. Treatments for the condition vary in relation to the source of the pain, but many patients find relief with treatments like:

  • Birth control pills
  • Hormone therapy
  • Surgery to remove a cyst, fibroid, or tumor
  • Antibiotics
  • Over the counter pain relievers

Pelvic pain may also indicate a more serious health condition, like an inflamed appendix or a bladder infection.

In many cases, pelvic pain is often an indication of a more serious health condition such as:

  • Endometriosis
  • Vulvodynia
  • Uterine fibroids or cysts
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Scar tissue from surgery or infection
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Physical or sexual abuse
  • Infection or sexually transmitted disease
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
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In-Office Exams and Procedures

We offer a wide range of gynecological and women’s health care services to meet the needs and schedules of our patients. Our services and procedures range from providing first gynecological exams to prenatal care during pregnancy to post-menopausal hormone therapy. We also offer diagnosis and treatment of any problem that might occur along the way.

We offer many procedures in our office and provide local anesthesia for patients to maximize the comfort of our patients. Local anesthesia also helps to minimize downtime for patients after their procedures and get them back to normal activity faster.

The Infinity Medical Group offers the following procedures in our office:

  • Pap smears
  • D&C
  • LEEP and cryosurgery
  • Endometrial biopsy
  • Colposcopy
  • Cryoablation
  • IUD insertion and removal
  • Essure® sterilization
  • Pregnancy-related testing and diagnostics
  • Genetic testing
  • 3D and 4D ultrasounds
  • Infertility testing
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Hormone Imbalances

Hormone imbalances happen when your body decreases the production of estrogen and progesterone, the two hormones necessary to thicken the uterus to prepare for implantation of a fertilized egg. These hormones also play an important role in protecting the body from developing uterine cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis. Hormone imbalances most commonly occur during menopause but can occur at any time during a woman’s life.

When these hormones are depleted, many symptoms of menopause were to occur, such as weight gain, changes in hair and skin quality, and mood swings. Since the depletion of these hormones can also be detrimental to health, many women choose hormone replacement therapy to replace what hormones they have lost. The Infinity Medical Group offers hormone replacement therapy options that include pills, patches, and creams.

Estrogen therapy restores balance in hormone levels, provides relief from the symptoms of menopause and helps to prevent the development osteoporosis. When estrogen is used in combination with progesterone, the uterine lining will normally shed but without bleeding.

There are health risks of hormone replacement therapy and the treatment is not safe for all patients. Patients interested in hormone replacement therapy should discuss their health history and treatment options with their healthcare provider.

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Menopause is the time of a woman’s life in which her ovaries cease to produce eggs and menstruation stops. Menopause occurs when hormones that regulate egg release decrease in production. For many women, menopause brings about physical and emotional changes ranging from changes in skin and hair quality, weight gain, mood swings, and even osteoporosis.

For many women, the onset of menopause begins after the age of 40. Some women can go through menopause early because of disease or damage to the ovaries. Women are said to be in menopause after going without a period for 12 consecutive months.

Not every woman experiences symptoms, and for many individuals, the symptoms of the condition are mild. Other women experience severe symptoms as part of the reduction in estrogen production. Menopause takes several years to complete.

Menopausal women are at an increased risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, and other health conditions, because of their decreased estrogen production. The Infinity Medical Group offers effective treatments for menopausal women, symptoms of the condition, and the health risks associated with the condition.

Symptoms of the condition include:

  • Irregular vaginal bleeding
  • Hot flashes
  • Insomnia
  • Night sweats
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Mood swings
  • Changes in hair and skin quality
  • Weight gain
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Endometriosis is a medical condition in which the lining of the uterus, known as the endometrium, moves out of the uterus and into other parts of the pelvic area, like the ovaries, bowels, or the space behind the uterus. When this tissue swells during menstruation, it causes pain, constipation the formation of scar tissue, and the development of cysts in the reproductive system. It impacts around 5 million women in the United States, making it a widespread condition.

Endometriosis, although not a life-threatening condition, can be excruciating for many sufferers. Patients often report that the condition interferes with their daily life, work, or social life. Endometriosis can also lead to infertility and complications of pregnancy.

The condition is diagnosed using ultrasound or MRI testing. While there is no cure for the condition, most symptoms can be treated with over the counter medications, and in serious cases, medical interventions like hormone therapy. Some severe cases of endometriosis may require surgery to remove scar tissue buildup.

Symptoms of endometriosis include:

  • Painful menstrual cramps
  • Chronic lower back pain
  • Chronic pelvic pain
  • Pain during and after intercourse
  • Heavy menstrual periods
  • Periods that are longer in duration
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
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Menstrual Disorders

While a monthly period is a minor hassle for many women; women who suffer from a menstrual disorder experience pain and other severe symptoms as part of their period. For these individuals, their period is a major and debilitating occurrence.

Menstrual disorders include conditions like abnormal uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, and uterine fibroids. Many women suffer from the menstrual disorder known as premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, and have symptoms like cramps, mood swings, and breast tenderness. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is also a menstrual disorder. Women with PMDD experience the symptoms of PMS, but their symptom is more extreme. Patients with PMDD report that these symptoms often interfere with their daily lives, work, and relationships. The cause of PMDD is unknown, but it is believed to be linked to severe fluctuations in hormones during the time of menstruation.

Although for many individuals, menstrual disorders are not serious, they are often extremely painful and disruptive to day to day life.

Menstrual disorders cause symptoms like:

  • Heavy bleeding
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Mood swings

Treatments for these conditions include over-the-counter medications and pain relievers, hormone therapy, and ablation procedures. Some individuals who suffer from more serious symptoms benefit may benefit from a partial or full hysterectomy.

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Annual Exams

Annual exams are an important part of protecting patient health and monitoring for disease, infection, or inflammation. We encourage our patients to schedule an annual exam each year to screen for cervical cancer, HPV, and other life-threatening diseases.

The Infinity Medical Group recommends that patients who are sexually active and patients over the age of 21 have an annual exam. The exam consists of an intake of your vital measurements, as well as a pelvic exam and a breast exam. The exam also includes a Pap smear, in which the cervix is swabbed and the sample is tested for abnormalities. Many diseases and conditions that affect women’s health have no symptoms, so the Pap smear test plays a critical role identifying reproductive health issues for many patients.

Aside from a physical exam and Pap smear test, your annual exam will consist of a review of your total health history, an opportunity to discuss your health concerns and needs for contraception, and health counseling regarding diet, exercise, and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The annual exam is critical for early detection of diseases and is one of the most important steps you can take to protect your health.


  • What comprehensive gynecological care does Infinity Medical Group provide for women of all ages?

    At Infinity Medical Group, we offer a full spectrum of gynecological care for women at all stages of life. This includes routine examinations, Pap smears for early detection of cervical cancer, and treatment for menstrual disorders, uterine fibroids, and cysts. We focus on providing compassionate and comprehensive care that addresses each woman's unique needs.

  • How does your clinic approach adolescent gynecology?

    We provide specialized care for adolescents, focusing on education and promoting healthy habits from a young age. Our approach is gentle and understanding, ensuring young women feel comfortable and informed about their changing bodies.

  • Does Infinity Medical Group offer support and treatment for menopause?

    Yes, we offer extensive support and treatment options for women undergoing menopause. Our services include hormone replacement therapy and counseling to help manage symptoms and maintain a high quality of life during this transition.

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Patient Resources

Gynecology is the medical specialty that deals with the health of the female reproductive system. At Infinity Medical Group, we are committed to providing comprehensive gynecological care, from routine exams to specialized treatments. Our compassionate team is here to support your health at every stage of life.

Book a call with us for in-depth resources and personalized guidance on maintaining your reproductive health.

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